0Saturday. 6th December [1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 December 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 6th December [1890]. Painted with Nela all morning. Practised with Ola. Mrs Eden came to call while we were at luncheon– Henry, Sophie & I went out in gondola. We 2 went to Rietti’s to pay a bill & bought a little old muffin dish & old watch. Henry went to the Stabto & then joined us in the Piazza & we came home together– Sophie went to tea with Miss Fearon– Nela went out with Pss Victoria & brought her home to tea here. I read aloud to Henry before dinner. V. & P. Adolf came with Mlle Blücher to dinner & Henry took them & the 2 girls to Carmen– Sophie & I sat in my bed room & had a delightful evening gossipping together & when Henry returned at 12.30 there we were talking still.

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