0Tuesday. 30th [December 1890]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 December 1890 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 30th [December 1890]. Watched Passini painted all the morng. The girls remained in bed till lunch & then went to the studio. It was so cold I persuaded Henry to remain at home & I went out to see Css Canevaro & found her & Maria Cozzi at home. I tried to find a present for Mr Woods but was not successful. Baron & Bss Krauss & their daughter came to tea– Nela came down. Mr Moore dined with us & Nela & he developped the photos he did here on Saty but they were all bad. Ola dined with the Brownings & I joined her there for the mandola practise after dinner.

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