0Monday. 6th [April 1891]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 April 1891 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Monday. 6th [April 1891]. Breakfast in our rooms at 8. Lunch at 12. Madge kept her bed in the morning & saw the village Dr who seemed quite unused to visiting the gentry—& hardly ventured to enter the room—stood a long way off & touched the patient’s pulse with one finger. He pronounced her to have nothing the matter with her & said she might get up. She is apparently very nervous. Her father being consumptive & her eldest sister having died of the same– After lunch Henry, Nela & I went for a drive to a village called Pozzo Nuovo & back by tea time. Mr Symonds arrived to stay. He drove from Montanara where he has been in search of materials for his Life of Michelangelo. He is in high spirits because he thinks he has found a missing statue of Cupid by Michelangelo—but he wd not tell us abt it except that it is in a public museum & we imagine it to be at Modena where he has also been. Madge came down by tea time. After dinner Ola & I entertained the company with duetts on guitar & mandola.

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