0Friday. 1st May [1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 May 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 1st May [1891]. Henry & I went to the Private view of the Royal Academy & took Nellie Alderson with us & met Ruth & Nela Du Cane at the door & took charge of them. Went to tea at 3 Savile Row afterwards as Nellie is staying with my brother Monty. He was out & only returned just as we were leaving there. THE picture of the year is “The Doctor” by Fildes—a little child dying & the Dr sitting by it perplexed. The lamp lighted & the morning sunlight coming in at the window. Henry’s portrait in water colours by Passini was in this Exhibition & much admired. We dined at Wimborne house & found both Ivor & Cornelia laid up with Influenza & unable to appear at dinner. Francie & Elaine & 3 young men, one Mr Ponsonby & a small creature who turned out to be son of Sir Drummond Wolff. Maria & Richard Du Cane also dined there. We came home early.

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