0Tuesday. 12th [May 1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 May 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 12th [May 1891]. I went to the dentist directly after breakfast & then to 17 Cav. Sqr to see Blanche, came home at 12 & had a visit from Mrs Ball who sat till lunch—at 1. Henry went out to a meeting. Kate & her boy left us & returned to Holdenby. At 4 I went to call on Lady Henry Somerset who has a pretty little house in Gordon Sqr an unfashionable quarter to wh she has resorted that she may have more time to superintend her property in Somers Town. She has made her house very pretty & was very kind & pleasant. I came straight back home to see if Henry & Ruth wanted to go in the carriage to the Bach Concert but found they had gone. I was driving off when Sir Henry Thompson came up so I returned to give him tea. He has only just returned from Falmouth where he had recruited after an operation he had gone thro. He was very kind & gave me advice & prescriptions for my frequent headaches. After he left I continued my drive & went to see Lady Bagot who starts on Thursday for Venice where we have lent her our house. We dined at the Rates.

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