0Tuesday. 19th May [1891]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1891 — Paris
Tuesday. 19th May [1891]. At 9.45 A.M. M. Dreyfus came to our hotel & accompanied Henry & me to the Louvre. It does not open till 11 but he took us in by a private entrance. We went first to the Thiers collection—& thence by the Apollo gallery to the Dieulafoy collection of Susanian des couires wh I had not seen before. Mr Dreyfus left us in the Picture gallery where we met Edward & Blanche but we went home tired out soon after 12. We all 4 dined at the Embassy & met Lord Rowton, Lord Cairns, Mr Cecil (son of Lord Eustace Cecil), Mr J.                & in the evening Mr Talbot né Stuart Wortley came– We went home early as Lady Lytton was going out to a party.

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