0Friday. 22nd May [1891]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1891 — Paris
Friday. 22nd May [1891]. Dacre came to see us after breakfast. We left the hotel abt 10.15 & went to the Gare du Nord. Found Stella & Mrs Dyer there come to see us off. They told us that Mr Oppert Membre de l’Institut had prepared an address complimenting Henry when he was to have gone to the Institut today & was very much disappointed that it cd not be delivered. We had a pretty good crossing & got to London abt 7.30. Just as we drove up to our own door we found Arthur Layard who had come to tell Henry that the funeral is to be at Woking tomorrow & a special train goes down at 11.45. He said his father had had a heart complaint the last 3 years & that they all knew it but told no one in order to keep it from Frederic– We dined & went early to bed.

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