0Thursday. 28th May [1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 May 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 28th May [1891]. I was better & able to get up for breakfast. I sat talking with Merthyr till he went out– Wrote letters. Practised guitar. Maria & Daisy called—also Dacre—& Blanche. Dacre stayed to luncheon. Went out at 3.30 driving. Showery day. Took Mama out driving & took Henry to the H. of Commons to a committee. Home at 5 to tea– Merthyr came in to tea—& then went out & I went to Blanche & played for her to sing. When I came in I had a visit from Monty who was very nice & chatty & stayed till nearly dinner time. Sir Wm Gregory, Maria & Richard & Mama & Merthyr made up our party. Mama brought over her collection of old buttons which she made me a present of. I am overwhelmed with her generosity.

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