0Friday. 29th [May 1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 29th [May 1891]. Well & up as usual. Merthyr went out for breakfast. I remained at home all the morning writing practising &c. Blanche called & I arranged to take her out driving. While we were at lunch Merthyr came in & asked me to go round with him to 26 Portland Place to see the furniture that was to be sold on 16th next month. It had belonged to Susan & Mr Hambro & after she died he had taken this house & moved from 22 Mansfield St—but died himself this winter at Monte Carlo before he had completed the house. It made me very sad seeing poor Susans lovely furniture all for sale. She had exquisite taste– I recognised silks & other things she had bought while staying with us in Spain & found two framed photos: of myself wh I begged the housemaid to keep for me– After a hasty look round we went back to finish luncheon & then Merthyr left town by 2.40 train. At 3.30 Henry & I drove out & took Blanche & we went to Whiteley’s shop to buy china. I came home to tea & Sir Henry Thompson came & was so kind as to have another talk with me abt my headaches—& then took Henry to talk to him about himself. He told me after he found Henry better—but thought we had better not go far away from good medical aid. I went to 17 Cav. Sqr & tried over guitar & violin trios with Steven & Irène & had to hurry back to go off & dine with the Rates. We met Sir A. Gordon at dinner. I played Halma with Mr Rate in the evening. Rained hard.

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