0Tuesday. 16th June [1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 June 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 16th June [1891]. Merthyr was at breakfast & went out afterwards. He came back at 12.30 & I took him to 26 Port. Place & introduced Mr Haynes to him a friend of my mother’s who we sent to bid for us. We expected Alice Murray to lunch but in her stead came Hallam. They have just returned from their tour ½ round the world for Hallam’s health. He is looking pretty well but very thin. Went out driving at 3.30. Theo arrived to join Merthyr at 3 o’cl & she drove with me. Called on Lady Lindsay & saw her– Merthyr & Theo dined out. Maria came after tea & we walked together to Wigmore St in search of a sofa for my room. Theo & I called at Arthur Guest’s house & had tea with him. He came home just as we were leaving his door & he begged us to come in. Henry dined at The Club & I dined with Maria & Co at Park Crescent. Played mandola & guitar duetts with Ola in evening. Henry fetched me home abt 10.30.

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