0Wednesday. 17th June [1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 17th June [1891]. Merthyr & Theo went off to a Puppy show at Peterboro’ before we were up in the morning & we did not see them all day as they dined out & went to the Play & returned after we were gone to bed. It was a very hot day. Mama came to see me in the morning. I went out walking before lunch & met Maria & we walked together to Liberty’s to see if I could find silk to cover the sofa I saw & liked yesterday & wh Merthyr offers to give to me– Home for lunch. Expected Alice to lunch but she did not arrive until afterwards as Hallam had a threatening of an attack of fever. Nela lunched with us & I drove her & Henry down to the German Exn at Earls’ Court & left them. Called on Mrs Blunt & left some cards. Came home to tea. We dined with the Lord Justice & Lady Bowen & met a good many people unknown to us– Mr Henry White USA secy took me in to dinner & I sat by our host. Mrs Hy White also American is a lovely woman beautifully dressed & with fine jewels—both are very agreeable. Professor & Mrs Flower also dined there & Mr & Lady Nelda Broderick & Lord & Miss Hannen &c &c. The Bowens live in a flat in Albert Mansion.

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