0Thursday. 18th June [1891]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 June 1891 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 18th June [1891]. As tonight we had a dinner party Ola & Virgie Du Cane kindly came & arranged flowers for me. I went for a walk about 12 o’clock & went to fetch Blanche to go with me but found Maria & went with her instead. I ordered a sofa to be sent home wh Merthyr offered to give me—we then took a cab & went to Albemarle St to enquire after Hallam Murray who was quite well again, & returned home for lunch. Drove Henry to the S. Kensington Museum & left him & went to pay some visits & fetched him later. After tea I had to put up a lot of flowers wh Theo had had sent up from the country for me. Mr Teddie Moore came to call & I made him help me– My old maid Mrs Hill now Merlini also came to see me. I only had time to dress for dinner by 8. Lord Selborne & Sophie, Mrs Henry White & Miss Macmillan, Merthyr & Theo, Sir Henry Thompson, Ola & Arthur Du Cane, Blanche & Edward Ponsonby & Mr Maunde Thompson made up our party.

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