0Wednesday. 29th July [1891]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1891 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Wednesday. 29th July [1891]. I have neglected my journal for a whole fortnight & must therefore begin again here. We went to Canford on Tuesday yesterday. Cornelia is away at Carlsbad with her eldest son– Elaine away at Berrington with Carise—& only Francie to keep house– Rosie the little girl is also at home & Freddy arrived from school this morng. My mother is staying here having come down with us & Mr Clark is the only other visitor. This morning Henry gave me a terrible fright & himself a heavy fall. We were put to sleep in the Queen’s room which has an old oak 4 posted bed. In order to make it look more imposing the bed is placed on a dais. Henry forgot the step when he got up & came down with a crash knocking over & breaking the screen wh stood by the bed. I woke up & flew out after him expecting to find him injured—& nearly fell over him—as I also forgot the step– After some difficulty the room being dark, I picked up the screen & Henry & got him into bed—& open the shutters. He declared he was not hurt & I could not be too thankful for he might have been killed or maimed for life. Ivor promises to have the dais removed. The weather was very showery & we could not go out far– In the afternoon Henry, Francie, Rosie, Mr Clark & I went up to the kitchen garden to see the new garden & the opened out Queen’s walk, also the agent’s new house in the village & coming back we were caught in a shower. Henry & Mr Clark played backgammon after dinner. The great excitement was to see the scaffolding removed from the ceiling on the staircase. It has just been finished & the mosaics from Venice placed in the spandrels. The magnificent staircase is now complete & a very fine thing it is. It has all been done at Venice under Henry’s superintendence.

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