0Monday. 31st August [1891]—Baveno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 August 1891 — Baveno
Monday. 31st August [1891]. The storm continued all night long & one heard the thunder sometimes near sometimes far. It cleared up & the atmosphere was cool & pleasant. Painted sprigs of pink oleander. Read aloud to Henry. At 6 we took a walk & went to the Grand Hotel to call on Mrs Henfrey the widow of the owner of the Villa Clara– She was not at home so we waited for her– She received us kindly but kept a crepe veil down over her face the whole time of our visit. She is much better in health than in former times—she now walks about with cane; but said she still suffered in a carriage. She told us of her work among the poor– She said the Dr here drank & was ignorant & that she had made an arrangement with the chemist who no longer disturbed her attempts at Doctoring. We returned to our hotel to dinner. Halma in eveng.

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