0Tuesday. 15th September [1891]—Villa Pisani, Vescovana
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 September 1891 — Villa Pisani, Vescovana
Tuesday. 15th September [1891]. Mr Hodgson called & we had a long talk about the chaplaincy. Packed. Lunch 1 & started by 2.15 train for Longarone. We found Mr Browning in the train going to Treviso to meet Mrs Br. who is returning from Asolo. We changed trains at Conegliano & reached Vittorio at 4 where Mr Malcolm’s carriage was waiting for us with his faithful coachman Giuseppe. While they were putting the luggage on the carriage I & Henry went to the hotel & had a café nero—& we started off at 4.15. It was very hot & heavy scirocco but on the way up to S. Croce we had a thunderstorm wh very much cooled the air. We arrived at La Punta at ¼ 8 & were warmly greeted by Mr Malcolm. He has Css Adele Michiel (née de Watteville) & her son & girl staying with him.

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