0Thursday. 17th September [1891]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 September 1891 — La Punta, Longarone
Thursday. 17th September [1891]. I sat in the little anteroom to our bed room & wrote letters. Read aloud to Henry having yesterday begun Creighton’s History of the Papacy. At 4 Malcolm took Henry & me & Rita for a drive up towards the Cadore & when we got back to the top of the hill above La Punta we got out & walked home round by Longarone & down to the saw mills. I forgot that it was rather a long walk for Henry & he was much knocked up by the time we got him—but he got better in the evening but I was very vexed with my stupid thoughtlessness– In the eveng he played patience with the Css. I & Rita & her brother studied Pittmans short hand.

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