0Saturday. 19th September [1891]—La Punta, Longarone
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 September 1891 — La Punta, Longarone
Saturday. 19th September [1891]. Went out for a walk in the morning down to the saw mills & joined Mr Malcolm who took me to see his cows & chickens & explained where he had let ground to a Co who was going to set up steam saws. He is to get £200 a year for the ground wh at present is totally unproductive & £100 for allowing their timber to come to his harbour & thus makes £300 per an: out of apparently waste ground. I cannot but admire his Scotch cleverness. It was very hot in the sun coming home & I stopped to pick flowers & was driven in by the power of the sun. Lunch at 1. Went up & wrote & worked till 4.30 when we had tea in the garden & then played a game of bowls—the Michiel boy & girl & Mr Malcolm & I. Henry marked– After dinner Max & I studied short hand.

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