0Monday. 5th October [1891]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 October 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 5th October [1891]. The weather rather improved. Busy morng giving out stores &c. Copied– Mrs Sandford came up to the studio for an hour before lunch & sat talking. After lunch Edith Bronson came to see me. She is about to leave for Paris & London. This afternoon took Bishop & Mrs S. to the Piazza to enquire abt their route to Odessa at Cook’s office. Henry went with us. We went to afternoon party at the Grand Hotel given by Mr Hodgson our chaplain. There was a large room full– Henry stayed a short time. Lord & Lady Darnley were there & most of the English colony. There was a capital tea laid out & all sat down to refresh. It was 6.30 before we got home. Dined at 7.30 & early to bed. The excitement abt the pilgrims continues– Two have been released from prison—one is still there. The French Govt have forbidden any more pilgrimages for the present. It is said the Pope has unconsecrated the Pantheon—this is again contradicted.

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