0Tuesday. 13th [October 1891]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 October 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 13th [October 1891]. A wet day. Gave up my portrait & determined to begin another. Wrote letters. Regina’s little girl & she gave way to tears & despair– I had to scold and comfort her & sent her to remain with the child who is at a school near here. Went out with Henry in afternoon– He had business at the square of SS. Giov e Paolo & then we went to the Piazza—but it was too wet to walk much. Home to tea. Mr & Miss Granville Berkeley came to tea & Mrs Eden– We expected Mr & Mrs Donro Hoare—put off dinner till 8 & sent to the station to meet them—& they never came—why remains a mystery. They were married a couple of weeks ago & are on their honeymoon trip. Read aloud to Henry before & after dinner.

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