0Wednesday. 21st [October 1891]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 October 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 21st [October 1891]. I painted all morning. The young people went sight seeing all the morning & in afternoon we all went to the Eden’s garden. Signor Trombini dined with us & he & Henry & I went to the theatre Rossini to see Lago– The piece announced was I fastidi di un grand’omo but we found they were giving I recini da festa a very pretty piece written by the present Sindaco Salvatico Branca. One of the Ministers of the Govt being in Venice & wishing to see the piece. There was a full theatre & all the authorities Prefect &c were there. The piece is very pretty & Lagos acting splendid. The rest of our party went out on the Canal to hear the pittori sing. The wind rose & it was a bad night.

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