0Saturday. 31st October [1891]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 October 1891 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 31st October [1891]. Fine day—but cold. Painted all morning. Henry & Ola went to the Lido in the sandolo. I went in gondola to the Eden’s garden quite early & found them alone & they gave me a lot of chrysanthemums & roses. Mrs Hulton came there & brought Mr Cross the man who had married George Eliot the novelist—a good looking youngish man—but I had heard that he is a great bore & very odd– The Hoares told us that he was at the same hotel at Cadenabbia with them and that he introduced himself to every one there “My name is Cross, I married G. Eliot what is your name how long have you been married?” &c &c, The Bishop of Gib: told us he did the same to him on board the Lake steamer. At 3.30 we left the garden & went to Sra Virginia’s garden at Ogni Santi to see her collection of chrysanthemums wh is very remarkable & I ordered 80 for our windows next week when the double windows will be in– I left the Edens there & went home having invited to tea a Miss Fleetwood Wilson & Miss Peel who had brought us letters of introduction—the former a rich lady bachelor the latter daughter of Lady Emily Peel. They came to tea & also Mr Malcolm. Miss Peel is a tall fair girl with a high colour—& a very foreign accent & must have been brought up entirely abroad—perhaps at Geneva where they have a villa. Miss Wilson seems rather horsy & some what pushing—rather over dressed & a tremendous talker– When they were gone I read “Whitelocke” aloud to Henry & again after dinner while he played patience.

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