0Monday. 18th January [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 January 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 18th January [1892]. Day rather finer. Painted fan in the morning. Mrs Burr rather better. Mrs Mackie in a critical state still. Henry went out. I did not stayed in & wrote letters. M. Kufstein the Austrian delegate to the Sanitary Comm: came to call at tea time. I read aloud to Henry. Count Arco, Under Secy for Italian F.A. dined with us. Also Mr Lowther, Mr Farnall, Mrs Eden, Ct & Css Belmondo Caccia, Miss Hilda Montalba, Ct Leyden, German Commr & Isabel Scobell. Pleasant evening. Count Arco a tall fine man talks pleasantly. All spoke English very well. Mrs Mackie’s illness is pronounced to be pleurisy.

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