0Monday. 25th January [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 January 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 25th January [1892]. The first thing was to reprimand the servants who were penitent– Mr Higford telegraphs he arrives on Tuesday morning. I began to work a chair cover for my sister Blanche. Miss Sharp was coming to lunch but sent word that her cold was very bad. Henry did not go out as it was a dull day, so I went to see after Miss Sharp. I found her lying on the sofa in her room & she said she had a heavy cold. I asked her if she had fever—she said not. Her hands were not very hot but when I felt her pulse I was not satisfied– I went quickly home for my clinical thermometer & returned to the Pension Suisse to take her temperature—sure eno’ it was just 104º– She asked me if she had fever– I said—a little– She asked “is it 100º—if not more I dont care– I know 104º is dangerous”– I said it was quite 100º & was going away when I turned back & said—“After all I think I would see the Dr.” At first she refused but then she said she wd do so if I sent him. I went home sent Cini to her & began to think who I could send to nurse her. Isabel & Bertha was unwell & in bed– I sent to see if we could get one of Mrs Mackie’s nurses but we could not get one—at last my maid Rosa offered to go & I was forced to accept. Cini sent me word Miss Sharp was in a high fever & he could not tell till tomorrow how it would go.

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