0Thursday. 28th January [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 January 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 28th January [1892]. I breakfasted in bed– Mr Higford came to say good bye—he asked me to see after the tombstone he has ordered & then took leave of me without a word. He is a curious man quite unmoveable & shows no trace of any feeling– Isabel is very quiet & reserved but I daresay both feel strongly– After lunch Ola took Isabel & her maid to the station to join Mr Higford & they left for England—& are to sleep tonight at Milan. I went out in gondola with Henry. Walked in Piazza & met Pce Gagarin who walked with us. Went to Pension Suisse where I found Miss Sharp’s friend Mrs Lane had arrived. I asked to see her & had a very good account. Also heard that Carrie Eden is up again today. Ida Bel, Css Brassà & Mr & Hilda Montalba came to tea at 5. Read aloud to Henry before dinner. Dined alone & went early to bed.

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