0Friday. 29th [January 1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 January 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 29th [January 1892]. I breakfasted in bed & wrote letters. Miss Holas came in the morning to see me & gave Ola an Italian lesson. We intended having our trios today but as all our guests excused themselves we thought it best to put them off till next week. While I was reading aloud to Henry before dinner Trombini came to tell me he had put off Tirindelli but had not been able to find Dini—so we must not be surprised if he turned up. He did not do so however. Ida & Ct Belmondo dined with us & in evening I went with them to Baroness v. Haan’s. She receives on Friday evenings. It was very dull & we were very glad to have done our duty & to come home early.

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