0Tuesday. 1st March [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 March 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 1st March [1892]. I was tired & lay in bed writing letters &c till lunch. Henry’s cold not so well & he has a whitlow on his finger so I determined to send for the Dr Cini for him who ordered him quinine & salicin but said he might go out as it is so mild—so after lunch I went to call on Mrs Hulton & Henry took a turn on the Fondamenta Nuove. B & Bss Haan were with Mrs Hulton so I did not stay long. Home to tea. Mr & Mrs Yates Thompson, Mr Brown, Mr Woods & the Belmondo Caccia’s dined with us– After a fine day & wet night.

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