0Saturday. 5th March [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 5th March [1892]. Miss Ffoulkes came for the last time & today finished her book. Henry’s birthday. I wrote letters &c. Went out directly after lunch to call on Mme Stefani. She was out & I came back for Henry & we fetched Ida Bel: & went to walk on the Piazza. It was a very fine day but cold & a great deal of snow was laying about. We parted with Ida & went to see the Edens. Found Carrie with a very bad cold. Home abt 5.30. Had a visit from Baroness Hertling—the Css de Bardi’s lady in waiting—also from Css Brandolin. She & I agreed that Venice society is getting very much deteriorated since Countess Anina Morosini’s reign. It appears that Mlle Blaas went to the opera on Tuesday masked in male attire & that the men pretending not to know it was her were very free & easy with her. Ida & Ct Belmondo dined with us & he & I played Halma–

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