0Sunday. 29th May [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 29th May [1892]. Henry, the girls & I went to church. Old Mr Mereweather performed the service & tho’ very feeble got thro’ it with the help of a stray clergyman. Notwithstanding our remonstrances he would preach—& no one cd hear a word. It was very hot. Henry & I went to Mrs Eden’s to see her new mezzanine rooms wh are very pretty. I was very tired & knocked down & remained all the rest of the day quietly in my room. At 5.30 we all went off to the Edens garden & from there Mr Eden took us in his launch to Malamocco for a picnic. Edith Bronson & a Mr Ramsay (a cousin of Mme Hurtado) were the only other people. We were a nice little party at 8. It was delightful going there. We landed under the fort up a side canal which was all fringed with masses of yellow stone crop. Ola & I at once went to take some roots while the rest unpacked the dinner. We sat in a most picturesque spot. Before us the open side—behind the fort—to the left the light house & a distant storm with vivid lightening all round us. It got quite dark before we had finished our picnic & when we packed up our things I stupidly forgot to take away my silver topped scent bottle & only remembered it on the way home.

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