0Tuesday. 14th June [1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 June 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 14th June [1892]. I had a busy morning going thro’ linen &c with our housemaid Mary who has been 10 years with us & is leaving to go & take care of her father. Mme Roberts came with bonnets to show me & I ordered 2. Blanche was coming to see bonnets but forgot abt & came in afterwards. After lunch to wh Miss Maxwell came I drove out with Henry. We went to Albemarle St fetched Hallam & took him to Mr Buttery’s to see the portrait of D. Johnson by Reynolds wh he has had a little tidied up. We also saw Mrs Burr’s pictures wh are on sale. We wanted to buy the head of Ld                by Sodoma but hearing that the Dss of Bedford wanted it also we withdrew & merely bought the small Saint by Boccacino. Home to tea. Ruth & Ola were there. Ola wanting my store lists. Henry sent a note up to Ola telling her that he wished to make her a present of £1000 so that she might have £40 per an. for her dress. Henry dined at The Club. I dined with the Rates. Met Lord & Lady Raglan, Mr F. Leveson Gower, Mr Laurence & Sir Arthur Gordon & his daughter. Sir Arthur took me to dinner & was very agreeable. Henry came abt 10 to join me & brought me home.

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