0Friday. 17th [June 1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 17th [June 1892]. I looked out Lady Westminster’s old letters to me in case they should be of use in the law suit the Grosvenor family are bringing against Theo to prevent her getting all the money left her by the old lady. They wish to make out she was incompetent to make her will in 1882. Mama came in abt 11 & sat an hour chatting. Mrs Alex: Bagot came to lunch also Alice Murray, Mr Herbert Thompson & Mr Rassam. I took Maria out driving afterwards & we drove Henry & Mrs Bagot to the National Gallery & left them there. Maria & I shopped & left cards. Home to tea & then I walked to Lady Thompson’s & paid her a long visit. I found it was ¼ to 8 when I got home. Maria & Richard dined with us & Richard told us much of the pending suit & said he shd call both Henry & myself to testify to the cleverness & brightness of old Lady Westr but that still he hardly believed that the Duke wd go on with the suit.

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