0Sunday. 31st July [1892]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 July 1892 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 31st July [1892]. I went to Mr Haweis chapel & he gave us a good but curious sermon & hung out a map from the pulpit to show the relative difference of sizes of the sun & earth—to prove the physical insignificance of the animal man & then told us that it was the mind wh made us of importance in God’s sight. Found Maria at home when I got there—& Blanche came with her 2 boys. After lunch sat in the Pavillion with Henry. At 4 we went to 17 Cavendish Sqr to call on Blanche & saw Mr Walter Ponsonby who is not well. I went on to the Aberdares but they were out—so on to Hans Place to find Lady Lindsay & had tea with her—& so home. Read aloud to Henry from the Englishman in Paris. We went to dine with the Du Canes– Ola was home from Scotland & the twins were there all the rest away.

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