0Saturday. 17th September [1892]—Brunnsee Castle, nr. Spielfeld
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 September 1892 — Brunnsee Castle, nr. Spielfeld
Saturday. 17th September [1892]. We were called at 8 & had our first breakfast brought to us in the sitting room & then dressed at leisure. Abt 11 the Duchess came to fetch us & took us down to the 1st floor where they have their apartments. The best rooms of the 2nd floor is where the Duchess de Berri the Duke’s mother lived and they keep the rooms exactly as she used them & do not inhabit them. We took a turn in the garden & came in to luncheon at 12. Sat talking to the Duchess for some time & then retired to our rooms till ¼ 4 when we all met again in the garden for “gouter” that is tea & cakes after which we all went to see the Duke’s paper mills—being mills for converting wood into paper. I went with the Duke in his phaeton & the Duchess brought Henry, Ola, & Marie. We drove to the border of the river & were there ferried across in a stage attached to wires. The river Mur which joins the Piave was very swift & the waters high. The mills were very interesting. The wood is cut into lumps—put into a caldron boiled down into pulp & then runs into troughs is worked round cylinders & comes out as thick packing paper or carton &c &c. The whole process is clean also easy to understand. Played lawn tennis a little before supper wh was at 8. Chatted till 10 & to bed.

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