0Monday. 19th [September 1892]—Brunnsee Castle, nr. Spielfeld
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 September 1892 — Brunnsee Castle, nr. Spielfeld
Monday. 19th [September 1892]. Usual walk in the garden with the Duchess before 12 o’clock breakfast. We sat with Henry & the Duke afterwards in the smoking room while they smoked—then went up to our rooms to write until ¼ 4 when we descended to gouter in the garden. We drove in 2 carriages full to the chateau of Weinberg wh is a very short way from here. It was used as a prison till within recent times—& the Duke says he remembers the time when there were still prisoners there. It is beautifully situated & in the court yard it is very picturesque having a kind of cloister all round the columns of wh are covered with creepers. There the Duke della Grazia has his large wine cellars. We had with us M. Charles Pitner son of the Admiral who is a neighbour of the Della Grazias. On our return to Brunnsee we played lawn tennis till it was dark. Supper at 8. The young people played games in the evening, we 4 elders chatted till 10 when we retired to our rooms & Henry played patience.

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