0Thursday. 27th October [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 October 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 27th October [1892]. This being the day of the K & Q. of Greece’s silver wedding there was a Te Deum at the Greek Church to wh the Empress went & Ethel Cadogan, Ola, Miss Sharpe & I also went. It was very picturesque & we were each given a lighted taper to hold during the service—wh only lasted abt ½ hour. I took Mlle Faber du Faur home in the sandolo with me, her gondola had gone with a note & had not returned. I did not go out again– The others went in different directions after lunch. Mr & Mrs George Howe (USA) came to lunch & she was very amusing as usual. I arranged the green boudoir for tea as the Empress had sent over Mlle Faber du Faur to say she was coming to lunch & I was giving last touches to the room when just before 5 I turned round & found H.M. was at my elbow. She sat a long time with us & was very pleasant & chatty & before she left arranged that if fine we shall go to Padua tomorrow. Mr Malcolm & Signor Trombini dined with us & Mr Eden & Mr Woods came afterwards & Stella played to us for 2 hours and played very well. Mrs Eden came later having been at the Empress who had a small party.

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