0Wednesday. 28th December [1892]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 December 1892 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 28th December [1892]. I was more tired this morng than I was yesterday so I remained in bed writing letters till lunch. Ola was also in bed all day. I went out after lunch with Henry & Monty they to the Piazza & I to call on Ersilia Canevaro. I found them later & we went to the Dyers– I left Henry & Monty there as the latter was to try some music with Stella. I went to Moses Rietti to see for some silk to give as a present to Mr Woods & then home to tea. Mr Penrice came to tea & stayed a long time discussing religion & talking over church matters. He is very high Church & we did not quite agree!

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