0Monday. 2nd January [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 January 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 2nd January [1893]. Henry is all right again but got up after breakfast. It was very cold & a good deal of snow fell last night. Mr Dyer came in the morng to discuss with me a small picture I want to paint & promised to help me to set about it. It snowed off & on all day. Mrs Eden came to see us after lunch. Ola & Monty went out & Monty went to Ca Alvisi to practise with Stella. This morning Ida Belmondo came to practise songs with Monty Alderson’s accompaniment. She has a fine contralto voice very untrained. I read to Henry before dinner. We dined at 7 & the servants had their annual treat supper & dance so we retired early. Very cold & it blew tremendously all night. This afternoon Ola & I each received a New Year’s present from the Empress Frederick. I had a dear little watch & Ola a brooch & each a charming letter.

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