0Sunday. 8th [January 1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 8th [January 1893]. Went to morning service & took Ida Bel. Mme Wiel was not well & Mr Vine took the organ wh was very kind considering he is a Roman Catholic. After church Ola, Ida & I went to the Piazza in gondola & wrote our names on the D & Dss of Genoa & walked home. We met Ct Belmondo who joined us & we went round by the Rialto. Ct Bel: went to enquire for Css Marcello who is very ill with heart desease. Got a bad acct of her. I found Mr Penrice calling on Henry & he asked me to collect the money from the English here for the Chaplain’s Fund—so I wrote to all after tea. Henry & I went out after lunch to the Piazzetta. I left him walking there & went to church at 3.30 & played the organ– I went afterwards to the Montalbas to tea & came home & wrote. Stella was reading to Henry when she was gone I read to him till dinner at 8.

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