0Tuesday. 24th January [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 January 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 24th January [1893]. I sat again to Passini & he considers my portrait finished—& will put it in the frame & then come & give the last touches. Countess Michiel came to call just at lunch time to hear more about dear Malcolm’s end—& as we were just going to lunch she said she would return. Mrs Eden came just after luncheon. Mr Malcolm Dutton came to see Henry & seemed aggrieved at his uncle’s will– He gets 60,000 fcs. Astolfi the cashier the same– There are many other legacies & Padovan gets the works at Longarone &c & is residuary legatee. All the property at Venice is to be sold within the year. Pictures, plate, furniture &c. Css Michiel says she found a good deal of ill feelings between Dutton & Padovan. I went out with Henry to the Eden’s garden & walked there. Mr Eden was there but too lame today to walk much. Home to tea. Ola returned abt 5.15. Stella came to read to Henry. Css Michiel & her son Max came again at abt 6. Trombini also came– After dinner Mr Penrice came to talk over the funeral of tomorrow & later returned with Mr Browning to tell us the last arrangements. Css Marcello died yesterday evening.

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