0Thursday. 26th January [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 January 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 26th January [1893]. Today Andriana Marcello was buried but I could not go to the funeral—& sent excuses. Passini came to continue my portrait & I sat to him all morng. I heard that the Marcello family had received all day yesterday & shown the body wh was exposed to view and the room made into a chapelle ardente– That Andriana looked very beautiful– She was still very handsome & had been a great beauty—having a grecian profile. Mrs Eden went to see her lie in state & said there was a stream of people there all day & amongst them the D & Dss of Genoa. Andriana had done a great deal of good in Venice & specially of Burano where she had started the lace schools—she had also been kind to every one & had received a great deal—she has brought up her children as well as she could being left a widow while they were young—& has managed their money so well that she has left her eldest son a million of francs. Directly after lunch Mrs Eden came to see us & to tell us all about the funeral—the procession had been immense– She persuaded me to go for a walk with her. The day was cloudy & I had not felt up to going out. We went to the Zattere & walked there a bit & then parted & she went home. I walked to Ida Belmondo & paid her a short visit & then went home to tea. Henry went to Stella at 5 to be read to. Css Brandolin & Margarita came to tea & also Ct Agostini. Later Mrs Dyer came & stayed a long time.

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