0Sunday. 5th March [1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 March 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 5th March [1893]. Henry’s birthday. I & Ola went to morning church. Lunched at 1 & Henry, she & I went off to the Liceo Concert early so as to get good places. It became very full. Tirindelli directed the orchestra. They played a symphony of Brahms & Wagner’s Parsifal Good Friday & then came the Concerto of Mendelssohn in which Stella Dyer made her debut before the public. She played very well indeed & was much applauded. Had a large basket of flowers offered her by the Directors & was called back to be applauded. In fact she was a success. Afterwards they played a rigodon by Rameau wh was encored & finished up with a noisy piece of Spanish airs by               . After the concert Henry & I went to the Dyers to congratulate them on Stella’s success & found her in high spirits & then we went to see Mr Eden for a few minutes & on home. The Belmondos dined with us.

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