0Friday. 9th [June 1893]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 June 1893 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 9th [June 1893]. I got up by 12 & took a walk with Blanche who fetched me– Did not go out again. Henry & Nela drove. I had visits from old Mr Clark. Also from Mr Hamilton and then Count Hatzfeldt. The latter looking very ill– He stayed a long time & was very chatty & pleasant. After 5 we had a tea party. Lady Gregory asked all her men friends & Nela asked her girl friends. It was very pleasant & went off well. Mrs Rate happened to come in at the same time & Sir Arthur Birch brought his daughter—& a Mr Rodger brought his daughter. Lord Selborne & Sophy Palmer, Sir Henry Thompson & Jack Gordon, Sir Arthur’s son dined with us–

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