0Tuesday. 26th [September 1893]—Blackmoor, nr. Liss, Hampshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 September 1893 — Blackmoor, nr. Liss, Hampshire
Tuesday. 26th [September 1893]. This place is terribly burnt up by the long drought & there is a scarcity of water. The bracken is being cut to use as litter for the beasts instead of straw. The ponds of wh there are many are all dried up. I woke with a headache & did not get up for breakfast. The Master of Baliol who is staying with Sir Robt Wright near here is dangerously ill—& Lord Selborne is much grieved & we drove over to the gates of his house & Lord S. went in to take leave of his old friend. In the meanwhile Henry & I got out of the carriage & walked a good way along the road till they picked us up to drive home.

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