0Wednesday. 25th [October 1893]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 October 1893 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 25th [October 1893]. P. & Pss of Saxe Meiningen called on us in the morning before luncheon. Henry took Nela, Lina & Pamela to Murano. Mme Noce called to offer a steam launch to the P. & Pss. Ola rowed me in sandolo & took me to leave some cards & then to call on Mme Wiel who was at home & where I met Mrs Curtis. We thence rowed on to Murano to meet the rest of our party & just missed them– They came home a little way in front of us. Ct Rucellai came to tea– Henry took all the girls to the theatre. Mr Moore came in the eveng to say that Adl Noce placed a gunboat at the P. & Pss’s disposal to go to Chioggia tomorrow.

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