0Friday. 5th [January 1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 January 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 5th [January 1894]. Went to the studio & had the child model to sit to me. Had a visit from the 1st model Caterina– Saw the old woman in the lane who told me she was 80—& her old husband tries to find work as a facchino– It was cold but bright. After lunch I went out in gondola with Henry—walked up & down on the Zattere for an hour—left some cards & came home. The sunset was fine but there was an ominous bank of clouds which looked like snow. Ersilia Canevaro came to tea & stayed a long time talking. I read aloud to Henry before dinner– After dinner played duetts with Ola– Wild night.

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