0Tuesday. 16th [January 1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 January 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 16th [January 1894]. Went to the studio & went to see Clara Montalba to talk abt their parrot that I am taming & then walked home. Henry has got a cold so did not go out. I went to call on Css Sormani Moretti—whose day it was. Edith Bronson came to tea & to take leave of us as she leaves for London tomorrow. Css Lutzow came to tea. Henry & I went to the Malibran theatre to see Offenbach’s Barbe Bleu operetta & Ct & Css Lutzow were also there & we got them a box close to us.

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