0Thursday. 18th [January 1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 January 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 18th [January 1894]. I went to the studio & Mr Fisher came to see me there & gave me advice. Css Lutzow also came to visit me there. I had a fresh model—one Regina & began to paint her. Henry did not go out. It was scirocco & damp & cold. I went to call on Miss Fennimore Woolson who is ill in bed. After chatting some time with her I went to see Mrs Bronson & found Adl Haan with her. Had tea & came home at 5 & found Css Brandolin & Maria Cozzi waiting for me. Read aloud to Henry– Played harmonium after dinner to Henry.

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