0Sunday. 25th [February 1894]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 February 1894 — Rome
Sunday. 25th [February 1894]. Signor Barnabé came to fetch us at 10 & took us to the Museo of Diocletian’s baths or the “Terme.” He showed & explained the things how he had arranged them round the cloisters & in the centre of gardens– The finest statues were distributed in some of the monk’s cells & are seen to great advantage. We were immensely struck with a portrait of a Vestal giving a faithful [illegible words] of her dress & with a stern strong expression of face. There is also a charming head of a sleeping Ariadne & a large collection of interesting Portrait busts. He finally took us into the magazine where he showed us quantities of things not yet named & arranged—so great is the quantity things discovered of late years. He is anxious to get the Hospital for Blind which occupies half the convent removed so that it may all be made into a museum. We returned to the Hotel to lunch. Directly after lunch I walked to 29 Piazza di Spagna to call on Mme Baronne de Brülow the widow of Genl Baron de Bülow who had been many years Danish Minister in England– She received me very kindly & we had a long talk. Returned to fetch Henry & we drove in a cab to call on Mr Story the American sculptor. The daughter in law & Mr Waldo Story received us & the 2 Misses Broadwood were there. Old Mrs Story has not been dead very long & old Mr Story feels her loss very acutely– They had been married just 50 years. He was glad to see Henry & kept up very fairly but one could see it was an effort. He took us into one of his studios where we saw some of his earlier works. We also saw his son’s works which are not to my taste. He is however much thought of & has worked for the Rothschilds but his seems to me to be a decadence from the father’s style. He showed us the cast of a great fountain he is making for a Rothschild in England. Galatea stark naked in her shell car driven by sea horses. I expect it will scandalize the rustics in England! Mrs Story sent us back to the hotel in her carriage. I had tea & then went off to call on Donna Laura Minghetti. Prince Reuss who had been German Ambr at Consple with us left the room as I went in & we did not recognizse each other. I suppose both were so changed! We dined at the British Embassy & met P. & Pss Grazioli, Mrs Adair, Lady Mary Loder, Baroness & Mr Burdett Coutts & another lady whose name I did not catch. All the Embassy staff was there & Mr Stenig, Mr Raikes, Mr Russell (son of Ld Ampthill), Col. Slade. Mr B. Coutts took me to dinner & Mr Stenig sat on my right– He was very pleasant. We retired abt 11.

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