0Tuesday. 6th March [1894]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 March 1894 — Florence
Tuesday. 6th March [1894]. Lina came to us early & we walked out together & bought cut flowers to carry to Venice & to give to Css Pisani as we passed Stanghella. Lunched at 1 & went off to the station by 2.15. Bertha went off to Venice by the 6 o’cl train this morning—& Roberts remained with us. Katie Colnaghi met us at the station & went to Venice with us. We got a carriage to ourselves to Bologna—& from there to Venice. We did not find Ola at Stanghella as we had expected to return home from Vescovana with us—but I gave out the flowers I had brought for Css Pisani. Got home at 10.30. Had some supper & went to bed. It is very pleasant & comfortable to be in one’s own bed after 5 weeks absence in hotels!

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