0Monday. 26th March [1894]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1894 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 26th March [1894]. Went to the studio but had rather a headache so did no good work. Back to lunch at ¼ to 1. Mme & Mlle Taine lunched with us. We engaged ourselves to dine with them at Paris on 30th Ap. at 7.30. They took leave of us as they leave Venice tomorrow. Henry took Olga & George Montagu & Ola to the Concert at the Liceo. I took Nety to walk at the Eden’s garden. It was a lovely spring day & we sat out under the trees & we picked violets & daffodils. Lots of people to tea Canevaros, Brandolin &c.

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