0Saturday. 7th April [1894]—Amiens
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 April 1894 — Amiens
Saturday. 7th April [1894]. We had breakfast in my bedroom at 8.30 & when I was dressed I walked off to the cathedral while Henry sat quietly reading. I did not feel much interest in what I was seeing as I was so preoccupied so I did not remain away long– I returned & wrote a letter to Ola which I posted on arriving in London. We then had lunch at 11.30 & at 12 went to the station. The Paris train had not come in but it did so very soon & we got a compartment to ourselves to Boulogne. We had a splendid calm crossing in the “Mary Beatrice” & had a private cabin & a carriage to ourselves at Folkestone to London. I made tea. Maria & Nela & a twin met us at Charing Cross. Nela accompanied Henry in the cab & I went with Maria & twin & Bertha remained to bring the luggage. As soon as we got to 1 Q. Anne St we found a letter from Mr Herring to say he wd call at 3.30—but I ran off at once to his house in Harley St to ask him to come at once. He was out but after waiting 10 minutes he came in & accompanied us to No 1– I explained en route as well as I could what was the matter—& took him up at once to Henry’s room– After a short time he came out & told me he had ordered Henry to bed at once & hoped much from rest—there was an ugly swelling & he could not tell yet of what nature but he did not consider it necessary to telegraph for Sir Hy Thompson from Paris as he was coming over on Wedy train– I then ran off to Cavendish Square to beg Blanche to send Henry over some dinner as we had nothing in the house. This she & Edward gladly did. I saw Mamma & told her what had happened but it did not seem to disturb her, happily. Blanche walked to No 1 with me saw Henry & we left him dining under Bertha’s care & went back to Cav. Sqr to dine. Edward was dining out. I returned home directly after dinner—& we were glad to get to bed for I was worn out.

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